I can’t believe they actually expect me to *study*; for heaven’s sake, I’m a *doctor*!
Did I forget to tell you? No more papers to write expounding on the marvels of leeches as medical therapy; no more exams to stress over; no more psychotic patients to deal with. And at about 10 months early; I’m very advanced. Let me explain.
Patient notes are considered a legal document. They can be subpoenaed by Satan, er, lawyers in court cases involving patients and their care. This is made very clear to us as aspiring doctors; make sure to document everything; don’t forget the time and date; and most importantly, don’t write something down in the notes you wouldn’t want someone’s mother to read.
(This led to an interesting court case a few years back: a junior doctor wrote in the notes that a pediatric patient was a ‘FLK’ – or funny-looking kid – due to his serious medical condition. He proceeded to lose his house, his car, and most of his wages for several years after the FLK’s parents saw the notes and their Satan, er, lawyers got done with the junior doctor. But I digress.)
Anyway, back to me (my favorite subject). I was on the phone a last week, talking to a physical therapist about one of my patients. I *clearly* identified myself as a med student; I even wrote in the patient notes my position: GEMP IV, or fourth-year med student. Well, Miss PT came and saw my patient and wrote – in the notes – that per her conversation with **Dr. Canterbury**, she was going to do a few things. So, there you have it folks: a legal document has me listed as a doctor.
Now, I just need to get someone to write in the notes Bryan Canterbury, President of the United States of America, and we’ll all be *much* better off…
To be honest, though, seeing that ‘Dr. Canterbury’ in the notes scared the stuffing outta me. I mean, jokes aside, has it occurred to anyone that I am three papers, one exam, and a few rotations away from being a doctor? I can sign sick certificates, determine competence and – most importantly – prescribe whatever I want?
Has anyone notified the authorities?
On an administrative note: I’ve followed the suggestion of a friend and started posting these wonderful little missives at a Web Log, or a blog. If you miss a week, or just want to see a wonderful picture of me, look at . I’m going to try to put up the miscellaneous picture during the week in addition to these little updates from the Down Under Doc.
Again, has anyone notified the authorities?
And with that, it’s the weekend. I have an exam this Thursday on the finer points of psychiatry, not to mention a paper due on Friday by 5pm. So I’ll spend this weekend studying, writing my paper, and catching up with a few friends who are coming back into town. Not to mention getting my new ‘Dr. Canterbury’ stationary printed up…
As always, Love to All and keep working on your 101 List!
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